Five Tips For Busy People Who Want to Lose Fat

Like most people, your life is busy and your schedule is hectic. Work and family time are an obvious priority, and keeping it balanced can take its toll.

It’s hard to find time to fit in your exercise and prepare healthy meals, and before you know it, your whole plan falls through the cracks.
Here are 5 tips for busy people who want to lose fat. Doing all 5 is a winning combination and you’ll be sure to knock your fat right out of the park if you do!

1. If you are only training 3 times per week you must get the most out of each workout. That means ramping up the intensity and really going outside your comfort zone. Increase your weights, decrease your rest time between sets, focus on your cardio: no talking, no TV, and no reading – Go ahead and crank up the tunes if it gets you moving. Change up both your weight training and cardio routines so you always challenge your body.

2. You must be consistent. No missed workouts. Have a plan B, it may be an in-home 30-min. workout, if you’re on the road, it can be a body weight circuit in your hotel room, or pack a resistance band, just get it done.

3. Prepare food in bulk. It is possible to cook and shop only once a week.

4. Keep the house stocked with quick and accessible healthy foods and snacks. Get rid of anything that does not help you reach your goals so you don’t blow your nutrition plan.

5. If you can’t eat 5-6 small meals a day because of your schedule, go ahead and eat 3 meals a day, just watch your portion size and make wise choices. Pack 2 healthy snacks (which will be a slam dunk because you did 3 & 4). Eat one between breakfast and lunch and the other between lunch and dinner.
Fueling your body with small portions every 2-3 hours will keep you from eating the whole lion’s share because you hadn’t eaten for 6+ hours.

Remember, the weakest moment of self-control is when you are hungry and tired which is why you need to fuel yourself every 2-3 hours. Always be prepared.

A few more thoughts…

*Educate yourself on portion size by weighing and measuring your food, at least at first. Learn to know visually what a portion looks like, so when you are eating out, you will be able to estimate your portions with reasonable accuracy.
*Depending on your physical ability, always include the basic lifts such as the squat, dead-lift, bench press, military press, bent over rows, lunges, dips, pull-ups or inverted rows and push-ups.
Get plenty of rest and eat high quality whole food that is not loaded with preservatives, and always drink lots of water.
*Choose your priorities, your health should be at the top of the list.

Lauren Miller is a Professional Life Coach and Certified Personal trainer who specializes in coaching for weight-loss. Her company is Your Partner For Change.

When Lauren made the shift from personal trainer to wellness coach, her clients were more successful with just a simple regularly scheduled coaching phone call. Why? It’s not the exercise or nutrition plan you follow… there are different ways to get your desired result. What is most important is what keeps you motivated to stay on your plan. That’s what coaching with Lauren will do for you.